Benefits of DMIT – Toddlers

From 0-3 years old, the emotional area develops rapidly. Knowing a toddler’s potentials at the early age help parents make decisions on parenting styles and educational methods.

  • understand their inborn characteristic (curious, aggressive, rebellious, persistent and etc.)
  • understand and develop an effective way to interact with your child based on their inborn communication style
  • understand and develop an effective interaction method with your child
  • eliminate the ‘trial and error’ situations with identifying and nurturing talents
  • As the infant moves into toddlerhood, he masters new capabilities which help expand his horizon. Able to move around more independently, he becomes an active explorer. He can observe his surroundings from different viewpoints and gain a new sense of himself in relation to the world. His cognitive skills are growing by leaps and bounds. He can use language to make his needs and reactions known and to relate to adults and children in new ways. Along with language comes the ability to use imagination and to engage in pretend play, often playing out scenes he’s seen at home or on television.

The milestones listed below are approximate times when certain abilities are observable. There is no fixed timetable for acquiring abilities or confronting different challenges, and there’s a wide range of what’s considered “normal.” Every child grows and adjusts to the world at his or her own pace. Particular issues that confront parents, such as helping the child adjust to limits and to master fears should be understood in the light of the developing child.
Kids come in all shapes, sizes and temperaments. Inborn characteristics such as mood, soothability and adaptability affect the way they learn to regulate their emotional responses; some are eager, some are cautious in unfamiliar situations; some are more fearful than others. Children’s temperamental styles are reflected in their approach to new situations.
Vibha, 1 1/2 years old, is cautious. She remains on the sidelines in her play group, but after she gets used to the situation, she joins in.
Two-year-old Syed, eager for novel experiences and for interaction with other children, rushes into new situations, but then is apt to become overstimulated and end up in tears.
Lucy, just over 2 years of age, turns away and clings to her mother, and after a considerable time, she joins in the situation. However, she becomes distressed if her mother leaves.
As parents become attuned to their child’s temperament they are better able to provide a safe base for him to explore and to develop a secure sense of self. Hence Dr. Howard Gardner discovered that multiple intelligences are correlated to specific regions in the neocortex.

Dermatoglyphics indentifys the presence and magnitudes of these multiple intelligences at the early stages of childhood development. Equipped with this invaluable information, our children will have the competitive edge in identifying and enhancing their multiple intelligences.