Entries by AITTA Global

6 Attractive Strategies for Elementary Teachers

Children in elementary school are at an age, ranging from around five to eleven, where they are very sensitive to the influences around. Herein, comes the role of the elementary teacher. A good teacher can help children to basically lay a strong foundation in learning so that they grow up to become successful individuals. Thus […]

10 Essential Needs for Teacher Training

“The essence of teaching is to make learning contagious, to have one idea spark another.” There are various factors working on simultaneously to assess the effectiveness of a teacher. These are knowledge of the content, speaking aptitude, experience & certification of the teacher and ability of developing bonds with the students. Knowledge of the content is […]

Thematic Approach of Teaching in Pre – Primary Education

Thematic instruction is the coordination of a curriculum around large-scale “themes.” Thematic instruction integrates basic disciplines like reading, math, and science with the exploration of a broad subject, such as communities, rain forests, river basins, the use of energy, and so on. BASIC ELEMENTS:- Thematic instruction is based on the idea that people acquire knowledge […]