Benefits of DMIT - Adults
- Rekindle your passion for living and revive dreams from the past
- Invest wisely in suitable self-development programs
- Assess your EQ, IQ, AQ, CQ, SQ.
- Plan ahead to achieve your goals and live your dreams
- We let you discover and understand your talents and abilities so that you can select a fulfilling career
- We let you harness your core competency so that you can discover your learning style and achieve greater leadership in life
- We improve relationships with friends, family and spouse, and in return, ignite the passion and motivate you to once again pursue your dreams
- We identify your Emotional Quotient (EQ), Intelligence Quotient (IQ), Adversity Quotient (AQ), and Creative Quotient (CQ) , ( SQ ) Spiritual Quotient status so that.
you can increase your personal development levels
1. Save the money which gets wrongly wasted in unnecessary courses or activities.
2. Once in a life time report
3. Identification of strengths and weaknesses of any individual
4. Suggest ways to develop each type of intelligence.
5. Know learning style of an individual (Audio, Video or Kinesthetics)
6. Understand different areas in your brain that is under or over emphasized.
Analytical‐ Interactive – Introspective
There’s a clear link between happiness at work and productivity. This only leaves the question of causation: Does being productive make us happy or does being happy make us productive? The answer is, of course, yes! The link goes both ways.
But the link is strongest from happiness to productivity – which means that it if you want to be more productive, the very best thing you can do is focus on being happy with what you do?
So how do you get to be happy at work? There are two ways, really:
- Get happy in the job you have. There are about a million things you can do to improve your work situation – provided you choose to do something, rather than wait for someone else to come along and do it for you.
- Find a new job where you can be happy. If your current job is not fixable, don’t wait – move on now!