Our Associations & Membership

All India Teacher Training Academy has successfully met all of the ISO’s certification requirements and as a result has been certified by an ISO 9001:2015 and an ISO 10002:2014. The AITTA has been Certified after auditing it on an ISO standards of the global best practices in Quality Management System of Organization, Academic Management and Institutional Performance. ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 10002:2014 certification is a proof that All India Teacher Training Academy offers education to its students that is on par with global education standards and that the AITTA is fully committed towards continuous improvement of its educational standards.

All India Teacher Training Academy has successfully met all of the IAO’s accreditation requirements and as a result has been awarded Full Accreditation by IAO. The AITTA has been awarded Full Accreditation after evaluating it on IAO standards of the global best practices in Organizational Management, Academic Management and Institutional Performance. IAO’s full accreditation is a proof that All India Teacher Training Academy offers education to its students that is on par with global education standards and that the AITTA is fully committed towards continuous improvement of its educational standards.
We are pleased to announce, now we are the institutional member of The Association for Early Childhood Education & Development (AECED), TATA Institute of Social Sciences, Deonar, Mumbai – 400 088, a Nationally registered body registered in 2008. AECED has grown out of the Indian Association for Preschool Education which was formed in 1964.It brings together not only professionals who work with children but involves parents and stakeholders too. AECED helps to promote child’s right to education through a range of activities throughout the year which increases the awareness about the holistic development of each child emphasizing “Education for All” through a network of government and national bodies. It was previously known as the Indian Association for Preschool Education (IAPE).

All India Training Academy Academy signed up membership agreement with International Montessori society. It was established to help meet the growing demand for Montessori teachers in India and abroad. IMS is organized as a non-profit corporation directed by Lee Havis, with main offices in Silver Spring, Maryland. He founded the International Montessori Society (IMS) to support the effective application of the true natural Montessori teaching throughout the world. The International Montessori Society views Montessori teaching as a way of being committed to infinite and eternal laws of nature, related to following three fundamental principles; i.e., (1) Observation (2) Individual Liberty and (3) Preparation of the Environment. IMS supports the complete and effective application of these principles through their experiential understanding. It provides this support through such means as teacher education, publications, workshops, seminars and consultation.
All India Teacher Training Academy is a proud institutional member of ISTD – Indian Society for Training & Development The Society is affiliated to the International Federation of Training and Development Organizations (IFTDO), Geneva and Asian Regional Training and Development Organizations (ARTDO), Manila.

All India Teacher Training Academy is a now a member of the esteemed Early Childhood Association whose aim is to reach out with all the endeavors for childhood initiatives and child rights. ECA acts as the one stop connection for the enrichment, networking, awareness and advocacy of childhood and everything related to it and extends its help to professionals, teachers, people who deal with children through their work in balvadis, day care centers, rural creches, teacher training colleges and entrepreneurial network by providing them with every resource.
All India Teacher Training Academy is a now a member of the All India Council of Education,an Indian National Eminence Professional Body for Education
All India Teacher Training Academy is a now a member of The All India Association for Educational Research (AIAER) addresses itself to the problems of research in education in general but more attention is given to such problems from Indian scenario.